Saturday, December 29, 2012

January Mom of the Month - Keri Fierro

Instructor, Teresa Lee: "The mission of Stroller Strides to is to help moms make strides in fitness, motherhood, and life. I think that Keri is an excellent example of a mom who is making great strides in all three areas; she balances a full-time job, time with her young son, and setting/meeting fitness goals. I am proud of her and all she has achieved. I look forward to continuing to work with her in the new year!"

This month we recognize KERI FIERRO for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say, "THANK YOU, KERI," for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
The members of my family include Vincent my 2½ year old son, our Maltese Sassy, and myself.

2. What is or was your career?
I am so honored to be a Kindergarten teacher. I get to work with my students and help them learn concepts in all subject areas. I love this time of year when many of my kiddos are beginning to read and love to share how bright they are.
I am also excited to become an independent consultant for Thirty-one.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I was so blessed to hear about Stroller Strides from Mike Bridgford way before I ever thought of being mom or a member. So when my son was 3 ½ months I joined. Vincent and I currently participate in the evening classes, but also enjoy the day classes when I am not working. I look forward to our classes each week where I am able to focus on myself for one hour. I love the workouts!!! I have learned to challenge myself, not giving up when I thought something like running was not possible. Through Stroller Strides I have made some wonderful friendships. These ladies have been so supportive as I have gone through a divorce and some very serious medical testing with Vincent. I truly cherish my friendship I have made through SS.

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Everything about motherhood has surprised me. I thought that by working with kids for so many years I would have a better understanding of my child. But to be completely honest Vincent has not followed all the typical norms, so this mom has had to question herself and his development over and over. 

5. Favorite website(s)?
I love TeacherPay, Pinterest, and Facebook.
But, I also frequent many different websites to learn about Autism since Vincent is on the spectrum, and I want to know as much as possible about the disorder.

6. List three current obsessions.
My first obsession would be my little family, then working on myself. I am  also obsessed with Thirty-one bags, so I am excited to become an independent consultant and can’t wait to share my love with others.

7. What is your child's/children's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
I would say Vincent’s favorite thing is being rocked and read to nightly right before bed. He never lets me skip this activity even when we are both exhausted. I believe Vincent’s favorite book is You Are My Sunshine, he knows the words and loves to read the book back to me.
Vincent excels in art and music, so we are constantly doing art projects, dancing, and signing.

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
Cherish every minute of it because time flies so fast. As a working mom I make sure to focus the 2 ½ hours each night when we get home to spend playing and making memories with Vincent. I do a ton of crock pot dinners and wait till he’s asleep to do dishes, laundry, or anything else that needs to get done.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Mom of the Month - Carina Bindra

Instructor, Lisa Estrada: "Carina inspires me with her dedication to her two boys and her dedication to her fitness goals. She regularly attends Stroller Strides classes and pushes herself with every exercise. Carina is one strong mama and I'm glad to have her in class and as a friend."
This month we recognize CARINA BINDRA for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say, "THANK YOU, CARINA," for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
My husband Mickey, Nicholas 4 years old, Lucas 23 months, Snoop our doggy and myself.

2. What is or was your career?
I have been lucky to stay home since Nicholas turned 1. Prior to that, I was a Risk Manager in the Auto Rental Industry.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I began Stroller Strides in March 2010, when Nicholas was 18 months. It is exactly what I needed as a new stay at home mom. The instructors have made me see that being fit and a mom are a possible combination!  It has helped me realize that healthy living is so important to incorporate into my family.  I have met Moms that have made this journey enjoyable with their amazing support and encouragement. The friendships that my children and I have made are the best part of all.

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Wow, all of it.. I am extra surprised by how much I learn from my kids everyday.  I love seeing life through their innocent little eyes and in awe of the life lessons I have gained from them.  

5. Favorite website(s)?
Facebook, Pinterest, Weelicious.

6. List three current obsessions.
1. Trying to get a family picture where everyone is looking and somewhat smiling.
2. Finding fun holiday inspired projects and recipes.
3.Oh yeah,  and just started 50 Shades of Grey books. :)

7. What is your child's/children's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
They both love when we play Hide and Seek. They hide in the same spot over and over and think that is just hilarious. When we have alone time, Nicholas enjoys building Legos and Lucas enjoys a good snuggle!

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
I feel so fortunate to have received endless advice from Stroller Strides Mamas that has helped me through some tough times. My advice is to talk to other Moms about what you are dealing with, chances are, you are not alone! It is such a fun, scary, adventurous ride. It's even better when you have support!  

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

August Mom of the Month - Karissa Druse

"Karissa is a shining example of fitness, health, and happiness.  She is a great role-model for her sweet daughter, Harper!" -Lauren Murty, Instructor & Owner of SS of NOC

This month we recognize KARISSA DRUSE for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say, "THANK YOU KARISSA," for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family? 
The members of my family are my sweet husband Jon, and our 19 month old little girl Harper.

2. What is or was your career? 
Before I was a mom, I was a hairdresser. I still do hair once a month in a salon, but being a mom is my number one job for now. ;)

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you? 
I have been a in stroller strides for about a year and a half. Its been so great and have loved every minute of it. It has shown me how important it is to be active and healthy as a mom, and make it part of our everyday family life. I have met amazing mama friends though it and look forward to more years to come! 

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Something that has surprised me about motherhood, is how much you can love someone in such a special way. Its such a neat and special love and it grows everyday!

5. Favorite website(s)?   
Facebook, pinterest and "browsing" online  at Anthropologie and Pottery Barn for fun decorating ideas. Love to decorate and rearrange my house all too much! ;)

6. List three current obsessions.   
Hmmm...this is a hard one.... 1) family. LOVE our days as a family where we have nothing planned and can just spend time together!! 2) My friends and loved ones. I love people, and LOVE being around them and spending quality time. 3) Does Target qualify?!?! ;)...

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do? 
I would say that Harper loves when we turn on the music really loud and just dance and sing together through the house. Thats always fun!

8. Any tips for other moms out there?  
Well I would say im still pretty new at this "mom" thing, but just to take it one day at a time and give yourself grace. We cant be perfect and no one expects that of us! 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

July Mom of the Month - Christine Marick

Instructor, Teresa Lee: “She is a wonderful role model for her children. She also does Tae Kwon Do with her kids. She is a model of fitness, dedication, and fun.”

This month we recognize CHRISTINE MARICK for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU CHRISTINE for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family? 
Our family includes me, my husband, Greg, Chloe (8), and Oliver (almost 4). We also have Sally, the cat.

2. What is or was your career? 
My most recent gainful employment was in municipal bonds at an investment management firm.  I have also been on Brea's Planning Commission for the past year and a half, and I am running for Brea City Council right now.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you? 
I joined Stroller Strides two years ago.  The first month was hard for me, but I have truly loved every work out since.  I am stronger, thinner, and better-balanced thanks to the exercise and the friendships. We have a tight knit group in the evening/Saturday classes so in addition to the stress relief from the workout there is often some talk therapy. 

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
We waited almost five years after Chloe was born to have Oliver so I worried that I would not be as attached to my second child as to my firstborn. It shouldn't have surprised me to find out that there is plenty of love to go around, but it did.

5. Favorite website(s)?   
Google, New York Times, and Rue La La

6. List three current obsessions.   
Reality TV, helping my mom, and fitness

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do? 
My kids generally still like having me around so it is probably something mundane like putting them to bed every night. 

8. Any tips for other moms out there? I read once that when kids act crazy it can help to say out loud, "Wow, you are acting like a three year old." (Fill in your child's age.) Somehow when you say it out loud it often makes it clear that this craziness is just age appropriate behavior and not an actual reason to get angry or frustrated. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

June Mom of the Month - Rachel Biner!

This month we recognize RACHEL BINER for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU RAHEL for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
My family members include myself, my husband, Bill, our two year old daughter, Isabella (Izzy), and we are also expecting another baby due this December!

2. What is or was your career?
I'm currently a stay at home mom, and I used to be in the grocery business

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I've been a member of stroller strides since October 2011.  Being a member has giving me quality bonding time with Isabella, she Is my biggest cheerleader!, I'm doing something that is a lot of fun, and I'm also sending Isabella a positive message about being healthy, last but not least I've made some new friends!

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Everything has totally surprised me about motherhood! it's very rewarding.

5. Favorite website(s)?
Facebook- even though I don't post, it still allows me to stay in the loop.
What to informs me of all different stuff related to raising my daughter.
Any website related to kids.

6. List three current obsessions.
Hanging out with Isabella everyday.
Being in the moment with her.
Photography,(of course it's all about Isabella)

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
In these two short years of being a mom, I don't know that I can answer what Isabella's favorite thing about me, or what I do for her is, but I sure can tell you my favorite thing...It's watching her grow, learn,and express herself. She's become this fun, loving, spunky and energetic person.

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
Enjoy it, Embrace it, Feel it, as though tomorrow may never be, because life truly is too short!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May Mom of the Month - Olga Mejia

This month we recognize OLGA MEJIA for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU OLGA for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
My family includes myself, and my 2.5 year old twin girls Isabel and Clara.

2. What is or was your career?
I currently work as a professor at Cal State Fullerton, a Master’s program in Counseling. I am also a Licensed Psychologist.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I started in mid-2010 but took a break for a few months due to the girls’ nap time, and have been consistently attending since late 2010. Stroller Strides has given us so much that it is difficult to put into words. Among the many gains include confidence and connection in mothering, socialization for the girls, and learning the value of healthy body. It also helps that the girls are learning to count backwards!

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
How much constant work it is! I had heard and seen family members go through the transition, but nothing beats going through it yourself. Raising twins is no easy task. At the same time, I am also completely in love with my girls and am constantly amazed at how they are developing and growing.

5. Favorite website(s)?
I order a lot of stuff on line, so, and to track their development. I also regularly track and participate in commentaries/advice on a listserv for moms of multiples.

6. List three current obsessions.
Listening to all of Isabel’s and Clara’s new (outrageous and creative) phrases; they are so cute and it is just amazing at what they come up with; after that sleep and sleep.

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
I love spending time with them in the morning; we just hang out in bed and tell stories, jokes, look at pictures, etc.; it’s a great way to start the day.

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
Trust your mami-instinct; take breaks and allow others to help!

Friday, March 30, 2012

April Mom of the Month - Michelle Donaghy!

This month we recognize MICHELLE DONAGHY for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU MICHELLE for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
Michael, my husband; Megan (7); Madeline (4)

2. What is or was your career?
When I am 'working Mommy' (as my 7yo calls it) I am a Pediatric Sleep Coach and owner of Making Sweet Dreams - Sleep Coaching. My formal education is in Psychology and Social Work but this phase of my career has been the most rewarding work I have ever done. Even though I have been helping families with sleep struggles since 2005, the past 12 months have been an amazing journey. I obtained my certification as a Gentle Sleep Coach, I was asked to be the 'Ask the Expert' columnist for Parenting OC Magazine and just last month one of my clients requested to 'film' our sleep consultation as a part of her new Reality TV Show (airs April 20). I am humbled with that list - I truly am! Not to mention that I have been able help dozens of tired families teach their child/baby independent sleep so that everyone in the home is sleeping better.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I have been a member of SS since July 2011 and it very quickly went from 'I'll try this" to something I couldn't/wouldn't miss each week. Not only did the workouts exceed my expectation (it is hard work ;), but the friendships that my children and I have gained are wonderful. Not to mention all those clothes in my closet fit me again!

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Besides everything! Through motherhood I have become my children's number one advocate and a stronger person in the process. "If not me ... then who" ... has been my mantra! I have learned to trust my instincts and follow them. If I don't feel like the doctor or teacher is listening to my concerns, then I get a second opinion or go to the senior person on staff. If needed, a third opinion or even higher up. I see this in my practice also, parents go to their pediatrician with a valid concern and their questions are not validated. No one knows your child better than you and listening to your instincts about what your child needs will guide you through the path, even it takes longer than it should.

5. Favorite website(s)?
Google search (you can find anything you need with a good search engine ;)

6. List three current obsessions.
1) my family
2) 'coaches corner' - a private social media network where I chat with colleagues (other sleep coaches) and we support each other
3) trying not to work too much

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
My favorite thing is anything sweet!

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
No matter what age your child is, they go through 'phases'. If it is a rough patch/phase, do your best to ride it out ... it won't last forever. When you think you have found the perfect routine, their needs will change and you will need to adjust/re-evaluate. Parenthood, just keeps changing - so enjoy the good and do your best when things are not so good - neither phases will last for too long until the next phase begins.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Mom of the Month - Debbie Treadway!

This month we recognize DEBBIE TREADWAY for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU DEBBIE for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
My husband Russ, my twins Owen and Samantha who are 22 months, and myself.

2. What is or was your career?
I am an elementary school teacher in the Buena Park School District. I was fortunate enough to be able to take the last two school years off to stay home with my kids, but will need to go back next year.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
We started Stroller Strides a little over a year ago when the babies were 8 months old. We originally started in Huntington Beach, but moved here in July because it was much closer to our house. I love that Stroller Strides has given me the opportunity to get a great workout with my kids while also getting to meet and talk to some great moms as well. My twins love coming to class and getting to play with their friends at the park afterwards.

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
I think one thing that has surprised me about motherhood is the amount of love that I have for my children. Having two babies at the same time is tough at times, but I am just amazed daily at how much love I have for them and how much they love and interact with each other as well.

5. Favorite website(s)?
I love Facebook because it helps me to keep in touch with friends and family that I don't always get to see or talk to. I just started getting into Pinterest and have been enjoying all of the great ideas I get from there as well.

6. List three current obsessions.
I love buying kids clothes and books, I enjoy reading, and I am always looking for fun activities to do with Owen and Samantha.

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
Owen and Samantha both love when we snuggle on the couch and read stories and sing songs together. They also love to spend time outside both at the park and in the backyard.

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
Enjoy every moment with your children because they grow up so fast!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

February Mom of the Month - Brooke Wagner!

This month we recognize BROOKE WAGNER for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU BROOKE for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
My family includes my husband, Grant, myself and our beautiful 18 month old, Jillian.

2. What is or was your career?
I started my career as an elementary school teacher in 2007 and was lucky enough to get a job in the Placentia-Yorba Linda District. I taught at Fairmont Elementary in 2nd grade and at Golden Elementary in 5th grade. And although I love teaching, I am now blessed by being able to stay at home with Jillian. It is the best and most rewarding job I can imagine having and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I joined Stroller Strides in January 2011. Stroller Strides has encouraged me to make exercise a part of my life and Jillian's life as well. As a bonus, Jillian and I have made some amazing friends. We both love it!!

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Something that surprised me about motherhood is how much my decisions and actions affect my daughter. The words I choose to use, the actions I make, and my daily interactions...she mimics my every move and soaks it all in. It amazes me to watch her learn new things daily!

5. Favorite website(s)?
I enjoy Facebook for the quick access of peoples lives. I love that you can stay in touch with everyone and it only takes minutes! Etsy and Pinterest for the cute ideas, Pioneer Woman for delicious recipes, and Amazon for the shopping. Well, any online shopping stores and I am usually on board!

6. List three current obsessions.
Being a resourceful mom and wife, reality television, finding new things to do with our days.

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
Jillian is at the stage where she LOVES books. Her favorite is when I read and sing little songs to her. Row, row, row your boat and Brown Bear, Brown Bear are current favorites.

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
I am still learning daily!! I have learned that every child is different and nobody knows your own child like you do. Go with your instincts and what works best for you. Have fun.