1. Who are the members of your family?
My family includes my husband, Grant, myself and our beautiful 18 month old, Jillian.
2. What is or was your career?
I started my career as an elementary school teacher in 2007 and was lucky enough to get a job in the Placentia-Yorba Linda District. I taught at Fairmont Elementary in 2nd grade and at Golden Elementary in 5th grade. And although I love teaching, I am now blessed by being able to stay at home with Jillian. It is the best and most rewarding job I can imagine having and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I joined Stroller Strides in January 2011. Stroller Strides has encouraged me to make exercise a part of my life and Jillian's life as well. As a bonus, Jillian and I have made some amazing friends. We both love it!!
4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
Something that surprised me about motherhood is how much my decisions and actions affect my daughter. The words I choose to use, the actions I make, and my daily interactions...she mimics my every move and soaks it all in. It amazes me to watch her learn new things daily!
5. Favorite website(s)?
I enjoy Facebook for the quick access of peoples lives. I love that you can stay in touch with everyone and it only takes minutes! Etsy and Pinterest for the cute ideas, Pioneer Woman for delicious recipes, and Amazon for the shopping. Well, any online shopping stores and I am usually on board!
6. List three current obsessions.
Being a resourceful mom and wife, reality television, finding new things to do with our days.
7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
Jillian is at the stage where she LOVES books. Her favorite is when I read and sing little songs to her. Row, row, row your boat and Brown Bear, Brown Bear are current favorites.
8. Any tips for other moms out there?
I am still learning daily!! I have learned that every child is different and nobody knows your own child like you do. Go with your instincts and what works best for you. Have fun.
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