1. Who are the members of your family?
Caleb, Caden (2), Connor (5 Months) & Rudy (4-year old Boston Terrier)
2. What is or was your career?
Advertising and Public Relations for Broadway Across America- the presenter of national touring shows in local markets. Shows like Wicked, The Lion King, Chicago etc. in cities like Orlando, Boston, Houston, etc. I was also a Wedding Planner.
3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?Just over a year. It has been an incredible blessing in my life. My husband and I moved out here from Florida 15 months ago. When we arrived we knew nothing about the area and more importantly knew NO ONE. Through Stroller Strides I was able to meet so many amazing Moms that I have been able to build strong lasting friendships with. My husband has also been fortunate enough to meet many of the Stroller Strides Dads. It has been instrumental in my happiness and adjustment to being 3000 miles away from my family and life-long friends. The ability to get in to shape is simply a bonus!
4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
I am surprised by what a tight bond Moms have. It is so much easier to meet and become friends with amazing people when you can compare notes over spit-ups, tantrums and sleep deprivation.
5. Favorite website(s)?
www.etsy.com www.babygap.com www.zappos.com
6. List three current obsessions.
Sweet Tea, blogging and card making
7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?Caden's favorite thing that we do together is music class. He loves the instruments and the pleasant chaos that all the kids create.
8. Any tips for other moms out there?Keep a schedule, anticipate everything and pick your battles because a happy child makes a happy Mamma.