Sunday, March 27, 2011

April Mom of the Month - Shannon Blanpied!

This month we recognize SHANNON BLANPIED for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU SHANNON for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?

The members of my family are- My Husband Shawn, Teagan (4), Ashlyn (3), Cain (7 months) & myself.

2. What is or was your career?

Before having Children I was a full time student as well as a Nanny. I am now a stay at home mom.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?

I started Stroller Strides in June of 2007, when Teagan was 6 months old. I can't believe that I have been a member for almost 4 years! Stroller Strides has helped me lose the baby weight from my pregnancies, as well as stay in shape. Most importantly to me, it has been a way to meet wonderful women who enjoy doing the same activities as myself.

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

Many things still surprise me about motherhood...getting through the day with hardly any sleep, getting thrown up/pooped on and being ok with it, but the one that stands out most is the fact that you are responsible for someone else's life.

5. Favorite website(s)?

I LOVE the internet, so I have a lot of favorite websites but I would have to say the top ones are: tons of cute birthday party ideas, this lady has categorized by city, fun day trips to do with your kids, & - for shopping.

6. List three current obsessions.

My three current obsessions are - decorating the house, taking my kids to experience fun new things & online shopping.

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?

I would think my children love that I cuddle them to sleep most nights & that I am up for anything...we do a lot of spur of the moment daytrips.

8. Any tips for other moms out there?

Your kids are only little once, try to make as many memories as you can for them. My parents did this for me & I want to make sure my kids have the fun memories as well. I remember reading somewhere ( maybe it was in a Stroller Strides newsletter, not quite sure) You will never regret the things you did with your children, you will only regret the things you didn't do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

You are what you think…

A few months ago I went to a reunion with some former teammates. We all played volleyball together in our teenage years and then went on to intern together during college. I had not spoken to most of the women there in over 10 years. It was incredible to see how each of them was so grown up and changed, yet still the same fun, relatable girls I grew up with. We got caught up in the usual, kids, current projects and goals. Stroller Strides was, of course, a major topic of discussion for me as it fit into the category of job, kids, and current projects and goals. It felt so good to be sharing something that brings me joy and pride with my friends.

In the course of our catching up one friend commented that I seem to live a “charmed life.” That comment stood out to me that day and has stuck with me ever since. It sneaks into my mind as I’m driving like a crazy woman trying to make it to preschool drop-off on time. Usually one of my children is crying, one is talking a mile a minute and the other one is yelling at the talker and the crier to be quiet so he can have a turn to talk to Mommy. I know when we get to school I’m going to have to pull all three kids out of the car for a total of five minutes for the drop off and then usher the little ones back into the car and to drive just five more minutes down the road to get them out again. I am tired because I stayed up too late the night before. I need to have my eyebrows waxed and I’m wearing a hat to mask my bad hair. The chaos elevates my heart rate and makes me grind my teeth. I want to hit mute on life and then I think…”I am so lucky.” Seriously, I find myself thanking my lucky starts that my kids are in safe car, going to a good school, and they are able to communicate well. I think that they must really love me and want my attention. My son has a good lunch packed, they all have clean clothes and are healthy, etc. Suddenly I have a million reasons to be grateful. All because someone told me that my life was good. I never realized just how powerful words can be until I started to notice how often that phrase “a charmed life” pops into my head. Life is good. It truly is. I love feeling happy about where I am at and who I’m with in this world.

On a similar note, one of our Body Back members recently commented that I have “such a positive outlook on life,” which got me thinking again. Why do I feel so good? Is it just the “charmed life” comment filtering my perspective? I think it helps, but it isn’t the only reason I feel good. It’s more than that. I think I’m happy, because I’m constantly thinking about how happy I am. That only happens because I set myself up to celebrate the little things. Positivity takes practice. It’s like a muscle we must train…EVERY DAY!

So here’s my advice…give yourself many opportunities to notice the good in your world and then do it. Look out the window at the great weather, light a candle, hold your baby tight for that extra moment before you put him down for a nap, look up a positive quote, pull out an old picture that brings back a good memory, call a friend who makes you laugh, smile, leave your hubby a love note, play an upbeat song in your kitchen or car, dance with your kids, stretch, meditate, read a book. Whatever lifts your spirit is your daily workout. Don’t skip it. Soon you’ll be the one with “charmed life,” and “positive outlook.”

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March Mom of the Month - Maggie Uvalle

This month we recognize MAGGIE UVALLE for her accomplishment and dedication to fitness, motherhood and life! Our Brea, Fullerton, Placentia and Yorba Linda Stroller Strides Team would like to say THANK YOU MAGGIE for being part of our Stroller Strides family!

1. Who are the members of your family?
My family is made up of my husband Austin, myself, our son Carter (18 months) and our baby on the way...due in June!

2. What is or was your career?
I am currently a hair stylist in downtown Fulleron at Unity Salon. I've been doing hair for ...gulp... 8 years! I am fortunate to only work 3 days per week while my parents watch Carter.

3. How long have you been a member of Stroller Strides and what has it done for you?
I joined Stroller Strides 7 months ago...and not to be cheesy but it has completely changed my life. From a fitness perspective, I am in better shape than I have ever been (I just beat my husband holding a 60 degree crunch before I started writing I love feeling strong! Also, the people I have met through stroller strides are soooo incredible! Just being able to chat with fellow moms who are going through similar things really keeps things in perspective. Starting the day off with a workout and a laugh has got to be the BEST!

4. What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?
The biggest surprise about motherhood!?!?! lol...where do I start? What has probably surprised me the most is the incredible feeling of love I have for that baby. I could have never imagined in a million years feeling the way I do. The feeling of being so big and strong (to your child) and at the same time being so small and powerless and knowing that this is all so much bigger than you! It's scarey...and amazing!

5. Favorite website(s)?
Besides Facebook...I'd say my favorite websites are and love to cook and I love to order diapers too! :)

6. List three current obsessions.
One of my obsessions for the last 15 years of my life is cooking. Love love love to cook. Now Carter is starting to help a little...very little...but its even more fun when we can fling eggs around the kitchen together! I also vacuum constantly...lame...and we are adding a veggie garden to our fruit orchard so that will be very exciting!

7. What is your child's favorite thing about you or favorite thing that you do?
I think Carters favorite thing about me is probably a tie between cooking together and snuggling...we do lots of fun stuff but sometimes he gets his cup and blankie and pushes me to a couch and then climbs onto me to snuggle. omg. Kills me every time!

8. Any tips for other moms out there?
Tips to other moms? I wouldnt give myself that much credit! I just always try to keep in mind that Carter is LITERALLY watching everything I do. So I try to make descisions that set good examples and that will help him become a loving, caring, happy person who feels accepted and validated while understanding boundaries and consequences.... that shouldn't be a problem, right?!?